Documents - Russell House Group

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Pimlico District Heating Undertaking (PDHU)
PDHU Residents' Working Group
Go to records of meetings of the PDHU Residents' Working Group established by WCC in late 2023.
Background Documents
Climate Emergency Action Plan
Go to the Plan, whose aim is to achieve 'net zero' across Westminster by 2040.
WCC Budget 2023
Go to a PDF containing an extract from the speech by the Leader of the WCC Conservative Group, relating to the Council's budget for PDHU. Downloads as PDF.
PDHU Strategic Outline Case
Go to a PDF of WCC's Strategic Outline Case for decarbonisation of the PDHU, dated January 2023. Downloads as PDF.
Initial Meetings with WCC on PDHU Project
Notes of a meeting on 28 September 2023 between a group of Russell House residents and the WCC Resident Advocacy team. (Notes compiled by the residents.) Downloads as PDF.
Notes of a meeting on 28 September 2023 between a group of Russell House residents and the WCC Resident Advocacy team. (Notes compiled by the WCC Resident Advocate.) Downloads as PDF.
Notes of a meeting on 28 September 2023 between the Churchill Gardens Residents Association and the WCC Resident Advocacy team. (Notes compiled by the WCC Resident Advocate.) Downloads as PDF.
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